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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæmblər] 英式发音: [ˈɡæmblə(r)]


网络释义:赌博者;赌博的人;赌棍复数:gamblers  同义词

n.bettor,gamester,speculator,high roller,plunger



n.1.someone who likes playing games that involve gambling or likes risking their money on the result of races and competitions2.someone who is ready to take risks in order to be more successful

1.赌徒 gam 交际 gambler 赌博者 gamblers fallacy 赌博者的错误 ...

3.赌博的人 casino n. 娱乐场(供表演跳舞、赌博的地方), gambler n. 赌博的人, 赌徒 tourist n. 旅行者, 旅游者 ...

4.赌棍 墓志铭( epitaph) 赌棍gambler) 绅士风度( genteel) ...

5.赌鬼 just for a smile 聊博一笑 gambler 博徒 同本义。与“小”相对[ large;big] ...

8.投机商人 ... Broker : 经纪人 Gambler投机商人 Consumer: 消费者 ...


1.I wish investors can look at their investments from a rational angle instead of that of a gambler; if not, you are destined to lose.希望投资者都要以理性的眼光来投资,不要以赌徒的目光来投资,否则一定会赔钱。

2."That I should have been blinded, " said Quilp, looking contemptuously at him, "by a mere shallow gambler! "“我不该瞎了眼睛,”奎尔普说,轻蔑地看着他,“上了一个目光浅薄的赌棍的当!”

3.Compulsive gambler, Ah Chang (Chen Han Wei), was mistakenly arrested by the police for his wife's accident.嗜赌如命的阿昌(陈汉伟),在妻子发生的一场意外中,被警方误逮了。

4."I'm a lousy gambler, " he said with a shrug. "But maybe I'll do better now, knowing there's nothing to lose. "“我是个烂赌鬼,”他耸耸肩,“这样也许反而更好,因为我没什么可再失去的了。”

5.This sounds a little like a racetrack allowing a gambler to select horses and jockeys to run in a race, without informing the other bettors.(这听起来有点像跑马场让个赌徒选赛马和骑手,压根没向赌马的人知会一声)。

6.'He was the most skillful gambler, and the nerviest, fastest, deadliest man with a six-gun I ever saw. ' Do you know who said that, Doctor?他是最娴熟的赌徒,也是我所见过带六连发手枪的人中最勇敢、最敏捷、最要命的人物。’知道这是谁说的吗,医生?

7.Usage: This is usually used by a gambler who just lost all his money, but needs a philosophy to make themselves feel better.输钱的赌徒用的颇有哲理的话,用意就是为了让自己输得好受点。

8.About a year later, the gambler went back to the bar, and found the bar had got another jar of twenties there.大约过了一年左右,赌徒再次来到那家酒吧,见到酒吧里又有一大瓶子钱,还是20元一张的钞票。

9.Having said all that, by no means every entrepreneur is by nature a high-stakes gambler.以上所言,绝不是说每个企业家骨子里都是喜欢高风险的赌徒。

10.In a bar a guy told the bartender, "I'm a professional gambler; I've made of lots of money from gambling. "一家酒吧里的家伙告诉服务员,“我是一个职业赌徒,我也做了大量的钱从赌博。”
